February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

While Southern Valley Alliance assists all victims of domestic abuse, it is important to highlight the prevalence and impact of dating violence on teens during February.  Nationally, this month is acknowledged as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month to help shed light on the issue of dating violence.  According to the organization Love is Respect, 1 in 3 adolescents in the U.S. will be the victim of physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner.  This figure is much higher than any other type of youth violence. 

Promoting awareness of youth dating violence is one step in stopping the cycle of abuse. Our goal at SVA is to educate teens about the traits of an unhealthy relationship and empower them to talk to a trusted adult if they are in a bad situation.  We all have a critical role to play in supporting survivors of abuse and preventing it from continuing in our community. You can help us raise awareness by:

  • Wearing Orange! February 9th is WEAR ORANGE DAY (orange is the color that represents Teen Dating Violence Awareness)

  • Following us on social media and sharing our posts
    Click HERE for our Facebook.
    HERE for our Instagram.

  • Hanging our Crisis Line Posters in your restroom stalls

  • Inviting us to speak

SVA partners with local schools, churches, and organizations to talk about teen dating violence and other domestic abuse topics.  If you are interested in hosting a speaker or getting more information, please contact SVA at info@svamn.org or call (952) 873-4214.

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