Brewhall Bingo for SVA + SHARE MORE THAN A BEER!

Support victim-survivors in our community by attending Brewhall Bingo on October 11th. PLUS, SHARE MORE THAN A BEER!

We are excited to partner with our friends at Shakopee Brewhall to bring you a fun evening of Brewhall Bingo. Proceeds made during Bingo make a difference in the lives of victim-survivors in Carver and Scott Counties.

Wednesday, October 11 at 7pm (arrive early for spot)

Shakopee Brewhall
124 First Ave E, Shakopee, MN


An all day event, hosted by Shakopee Brewhall, to celebrate and support Southern Valley Alliance.

Three additional way to support SVA on October 11th:

  • Order Cinco De Shako, Fun Bus or Seltzer (Brewhall will donate $1 of all pours from these three styles)

  • Order from Turtle's Bar and Grill (Turtle's will donate 10% of Walk-to-Brewhall orders)

  • "ROUND UP" when you close your tab

Hope to see you there!